G&D MOTORS GLK V1 CustomVintage
Mesh GLK V1 Custom with: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Extras: * Innovation can close the side stand, by clicking on it, or the icon of the new HUD (Adding Function for Roleplay) * 120 basic colors for Body Fenders Strips * 2 real sounds * driver more passenger * Customizable license plates (Adding Function for Roleplay) * 2 clarity to the body, shine and light. * function gasoline hud "optional" (Adding Function for Roleplay) * New Hud SMARTPHONE * Include textures full perm front plate * Double animation, get up and down from the motorcycle
Drive HUD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remote start / stop engine Light Control, front and rear lights, light beams Auto lights Option Adjustable position for driver and passenger/s Working Exhaust Rebooting Option Settable asset and engine features Turbo Burnout Horn Lock and unlock system Group Access Manual Transmission Resize Control NOS receiver Camera Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Settings for:
Gears Brake Skid Banking Turbo Steering Gravity --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------