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G&D MOTORS F-SA Cabriolet 1929

Mesh F-SA Cabriolet 1929 with: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No refund

Drive HUD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Remote start / stop engine Front pivoting wheels Light Control, front and rear lights, light beams Auto lights Option Adjustable position for driver and passenger/s Working Exhaust Rebooting Option Settable asset and engine features Turbo Burnout Horn Lock and unlock system Group Access Manual Transmission Resize Control NOS receiver Camera Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Settings for:

Gears Brake Skid Banking Turbo Steering Gravity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras:

* New Hud Vintage * 120 Colors body * 2 real sounds * 3 passengers * customizable license plates * function gasoline hud "optional" * 2 clarity to the body, shine and light. * opening the bonnet, if it sits on the engine, you will have 6 animated poses, clean the car, repair the car, ask for help. * Double Animation, to enter and exit the car, to go out, use the engine off button, using this setting you will, both incoming and outgoing animated, this also works for the passenger entertainment.

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