G&D MOTORS Christmas Supersonic Sled
Mesh supersonic sled with: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Drive HUD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remote start / stop engine Light Control, front Auto lights Option Adjustable position for driver and passenger/s Working Exhaust Rebooting Option Settable asset and engine features Turbo Burnout Horn Lock and unlock system Group Access Manual Transmission Resize Control NOS receiver Camera Options --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Settings for:
Gears Brake Skid Banking Turbo Steering Gravity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras: * This slide has been created, to go on the Snow - Water - Fly * function gasoline hud "optional" * New Hud SMARTPHONE * One driver and one passenger, to go down to use engine start, double Animation, to enter and exit the car, to go out, use the engine off button * It can accommodate a driver and passenger * Santa claus mesh and can turn on the fixture menu * Clicking Santa Claus him come out of the sleigh